10 days of France

This blog is for pictures and descriptions of my France trip from Wednesday January 6th to Sunday January 17th.


Days 4 & 5

Day 4

I decided to combine these two days, bc i didn't take any pictures on day 4.

Day 4 was a Sunday, so we went to a French Church that the Bardy's go to. It was very small, probably only about 25-50 people (so our group almost doubled that). It was very warm in the room, which did not help me stay awake. It also didn't help that the pastor was speaking in French. The worship before hand was nice though (bc they at least had the words up on the screen, still in french though). The only song I recognized was "Great is Thy Faithfulness".
After church we came back to the house to have some pizza. I tried some with goat cheese slices on them, and it was pretty good.
In the afternoon, we had a choice to either go to a engineering museum or an organ concert at the Nantes Cathedral (the one we went to earlier). I chose the organ concert. It was pretty good. The organ was up in the balcony, so they had a camera on him that we got to watch. The only song that I recognized was a song from Fantasia (the sorcerer's apprentice).
When we came back to the house, the lights were out for the neighborhood. This was bc it was so cold out that everyone was using their heat. We ended up just making sandwiches in the dark, and watched a movie on someone's laptop. As soon as the movie was over, the lights came back on, and some of us played games.

Day 5

In the morning, we took the train to Angers. We first checked out a really old Castle. We first walked around the outside and went inside. It too had an audio guide, but it was not as good as the other one. It was confusing where to go in some places. We walked around the outside mostly. The castle had been redone several times in history, but originally they had a draw bridge (pictured later), and a dry moat. Anyway, here they are.

At the end of the tour, we got to go inside and see a HUGE tapestry that was really old. It depicted the entire book of revelation, but some of the sections were missing. We weren't allowed to take pictures, but it was one of the most interesting things i saw over in france.

After the castle, we went to another chapel. It was really dark in here, so the pictures didn't come out great. The most notable thing in the chapel was that there was a human skull on display behind the stage. I don't know why or who's it is, but it was there.

After seeing the chapel we broke for lunch and freetime. I got another pennini. This time i got something called a california, which was some sort of hamburger meat and cheese. It was alright. I also got a small loaf of bread filled with Nutella, which was really good. After that, we just walked around for a while. Here are some pictures of the streets of Angers.

After this free time we got on the train and headed back to Nantes. When we got there, we went to this mall that had a big Walmart type store. I got some snacks, but nothing else was very interesting. After walking around here for a while, we went back to the house to eat. Then we played some games (cluedo, euchre, uno) and went to bed.


Blogger Elizabeth said...

Very cool. I love all the castles. I also liked looking down at the city, and all the houses with that church towering above.

February 10, 2010 at 9:35 AM  

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