10 days of France

This blog is for pictures and descriptions of my France trip from Wednesday January 6th to Sunday January 17th.


Day 6

This day was kind of boring. It was our last day in Nantes, and we were getting up early the next day (5:30am) to go to Normandy, so we didn't do much. I also did not take many pictures, so i will use this day to post some pictures from other people on the trip (one's i found on facebook). These pictures won't have any time relation to Day 6.

In the morning we went to this printing museum that was kind of dull. There wasn't a tour or anything, we just got to walk around. I would put it at the equivalent of the Oakdale Cowboy Museum.

After the museum, our whole group had lunch at a creperie. We all had a Galette for our main course. These were crepes that were filled with cheese, meats, and vegetables. We got to choose three of these from a list. I chose just cheese and spicy sausage (yes, that is only two things). We played card games while we waited. Of course they never made mine, so everybody else was done by the time i got mine. After the Galette, we had crepes for dessert. We could choose one filler from a list (there were mainly fruits and chocolates). I chose a strawberry crepe. I remembered to take a picture after i took a bite. The crepes were made with a sweeter dough, and were a little less cooked than the Galette. (Pictured to the left, basement of restaurant where we ate)

This is the strawberry crepe that i had. The galette looked exactly like this except it was darker.

After lunch we got to shop for a little while. We went to a Best Buy type place, but i didn't get anything.

Then we traveled back home to listen to a lecture on Normandy from Dr. Folkertsma.

Then we packed our lunches for the next day, bc we were going to be on the bus all day. I made myself a turkey, ham, and cheese sandwich.

We all got cleaning assignments, and cleaned the houses.

After all the chores were done, and we were packed, we played some games. Then we went to bed a little early so we could get up at 12:30am (EST).

Here are some pictures of the houses we stayed at.

Here's some of us on the train to Nantes from Paris. We played some Euchre on the way.
(LtoR: Me, Evan Harding, Natalie Walten, Jayni Juedes)

Our feet at point zero in front of the Notre Dame

Standing in front of St. Peter's Chapel in Nantes
(LtoR: Kayleigh Knauer, Me, Katie Jefferies

Me in front of the Notre Dame in Paris

Walking up the steps to go to the castle in Angers.

Outside the Louvre
(LtoR:Chantilly Cobb, Mark Hottel, BJ Bellamy, Me, Evan Harding, Natalie Walten)

I have a few more pictures from facebook, but they aren't fantastic or are about things later in the trip (so i don't want to spoil the ending). Anyway, i'll give you a group picture to end with.


Blogger Elizabeth said...

So did you like the Crepes? Did you like the sweeter one, or the one with meat or cheese better?

February 11, 2010 at 12:58 PM  
Blogger Dan Bos said...

Yes, the crepes were very good. The meat and cheese one was a little odd. The sausage that they had in it was not cut up, it was a whole sausage. It probably would have been better if it were chopped up and spread out. The sweet crepes were very good. Later in the trip, i had a nutella and banana crepe that was awesome.

February 12, 2010 at 1:05 PM  

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